Environmental Services
As part of a mid-size corporation, Dokken's environmental team is able to complete projects of any size and complexity, while retaining the ability to make rapid, effective management decisions and efficiently conquer unanticipated challenges. The foundation of our environmental team is built upon a dedication to provide expert environmental services, to retain the respect and trust of regulatory agencies, and to develop creative solutions that get your project built. Our team has a proven track record throughout California for successfully completing projects on time and within scope and budget.
Our in-house environmental services include:
Technical Reports, Field Surveys, & Consultations
Biological Resources Surveys & Reports
Biological Assessments & Endangered Species Consultations (Section 7 and 2081)
Jurisdictional Delineations
Arborist Surveys & Reports
Cultural Resources Surveys, Evaluations & Reports
Section 106 SHPO Consultation & Approvals
Native American Consultation (Section 106 and AB52)
Water Quality Assessments
Noise Impact Studies & Sound Wall Analysis
Air Quality Studies
Visual Impact Assessments & Renderings
Hazardous Waste Site Assessments
Community Impact Reports
Farmland Impact Assessments
Environmental Documentation
CEQA/NEPA Analysis
CEQA Documents
Categorical Exemptions
Initial Studies with Mitigated
Negative Declarations -
Environmental Impact Reports
NEPA Documents
Categorical Exclusions
Environmental Assessments
Environmental Impact Statements
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs
Regulatory Permitting & Compliance
401 Clean Water Certifications
404 Nationwide and Individual Permits
1600 Streambed Alteration Agreements
Flood Board Encroachment Permits
Army Corps Section 408 Permissions
Habitat Restoration Plans & Long-Term Monitoring
Conservation Easements
Environmental Construction Monitoring

Meet Our Environmental Team Leads

Sarah H.
Environmental Manager

Amy D., RPA
Senior Archaeologist

Amy B.
Senior Environmental Planner

Scott S.
Senior Biologist
Our Environmental Services professionals are here to help!
